About Us
About Us
Thanks to a solid and long lasting experience in the hospitality industry, Moreno and Cristina Ianda, the founders of the famous venue Club del Diavolo, are known for generating some of the trendiest and most fashionable events among the provinces of Florence, Prato, Pistoia and Pisa.
The important levels of success and the reputation achieved during the glittery years of management at
Club del Diavolo (a venue with a solid 20 years presence in the business) showed the managerial acumen and creativity of Moreno and Cristina; those human and professional skills, combined with solid business partnerships and a new managerial structure, are now proudly applied into the a new brand: the “Tenuta la Querciola”
This new business unit, emerging player in the events sector, has a clear vision of how to approach the market: give continuity to the achievements of the former Club del Diavolo management and cut a new intriguing role for clients; they will not be “pushed” anymore into an event but rather enabled to create and develop their own happening (wedding, private dinners, parties, product launches and so on) in one of the hottest locations in Tuscany and with the support of highly qualified professionals.
Courtesy, creativity and high quality standards have always been the trademarks of the Ianda family throughout the years. High customer loyalty and a devoted clientele are the key factors that motivate the Ianda family to invest even more in the business and work constantly towards the company’s common goal: customer satisfaction
The History of Tenuta la Querciola